Saturday, January 28, 2012

Yams and Beets!

Baked Yams and Beets. This recipe is IBS (more about that later) friendly, easy to make, and is nutritious and  delicious!  Both beets greens and roots are an excellent source of magnesium, iron and vitamin B. Beet roots are also a good source of potassium, fibre, folic acid and manganese. Yams are a excellent source of vitamins A, B6, C,  thiamine and panoththenic acid.Vitamin B6, Thiamine and pantothenic acid work to metabolize your food which is helpful if you have IBS.

What you will need:

A Glass of your favorite vegan red wine and I like to listen to the Soviettes (LP 3) to get me stoked.
1 xlrg yam or 2 med.
5 small beets, unwashed and unpeeled
olive oil (enough to brush on beets and drizzle on yams)
sea salt to taste
black pepper to taste
garlic powder
handful of fresh parsley
tin foil
shallow baking dish
large bowl for mixing

Baking Beets:
1. Preheat oven to °400
2. Trim stems to about 1/2"
3. Do not wash. Apparently moisture causes the beets to steam and we don't want this. I mistakenly washed the beets and they steamed and sizzled and made funny white bubbles. If there is dirt on your beets just wipe with a paper towel.
4. Brush outsides with olive
5. Wrap tightly in tin foil.
6. Place in shallow baking dish and cook for 45-60 minutes (until soft and skin slips off)
7. When beets are cooked cut off stems if you are not using them, and peel off skin.
8. Chop into bite sized pieces

Baking Yams:
You can bake the yams in the same dish as the beets however you will only need to bake the yams for about 15-20 minute so put them in at the end.
1. Wash yam and cut off any bad spots
2. Chop yam into bite size pieces.
3. Place yams in a large bowl
4. Drizzle on olive oil
5. Sprinkle on sea salt, black pepper, garlic and rosemary
6. Mix
7. Spread yams and beets on baking pan and bake for 15-20 minutes or until soft.  Stir occasionally
8. When ready, salt and pepper to taste  and add fresh chopped parsley.

*Note: For a more substantial meal try adding chick peas. Canned or dry - follow cooking directions. Then sauteé in a bit of olive oil and fresh lemon and salt and pepper to taste.

*P.s. You can also bake fennel with the beets (same way - cook until soft) and eat together as a side dish.
Buon Appetito!

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