Sunday, May 27, 2012

It's been a while.......

...CC hit the road for tour in the US and I was volunteering for Hot Docs Film Festival, but now we are back at it! This year is the first year we've had a private back yard with an area to garden so we thought we would try growing our own veggies. We went to a seed exchange in our neighborhood back in March and bought seeds for collards, arugula, spinach, kale and swiss chard, as well as some herbs and garlic bulbs. The people at the seed exchange were awesome and super helpful and gave us a lot of great tips. We also got a good bunch of tips from You Grow Girl and just went for it. Seeds. Soil. Water. Plant food. Sunlight. Go. And so far so good. We probably should have sprouted the seeds inside first so they were already started by spring, but it looks like they are growing fine. Whether or not they grow into luscious, leafy green, edible veggies still remains to be seen. We will check back in later and see if this works. If not, we will definitely have herbs and at least some pitiful little sprouts for salad.

Collards and Swiss Chard (Dill and Rosemary up top)


 Three kinds of Basil

 Stevia (the small plant in the middle)

Free Hasta from friendly neighbours and Parsley

Lemon Thyme

Peppermint and Spearmint


  1. i love you two more than malted bread water made with artisanal well water. xoxo

  2. It’s great to see you back! Life gets busy, but it’s always refreshing to hear from you again. As someone following a vegan lifestyle india, I understand how important it is to find balance. If you're looking for more plant-based recipes or tips, feel free to visit my website The Earthen One for some tasty inspiration!
